Chocolate Yarn and Desert Batts
I havent posted in a while. Mostly because I just havent felt like blabbing or even being ont he computer. Its been incredibly cold outside, here in NY and that means its pretty cold inside as well. I dont fancy numb fingers for typing so Ive been huddling in our combo bedroom/livingroom with the beasties trying to keep warm. But today was pretty nice out. Bit of a cool breeze, but warm enough to remove Lokis two blankets and open up her yard a bit. Ive been keeping her shut up in her stall because the dang wind and sub zero temps are awful! I cant let her have her full pasture untill the snow melts. The electric wire is lost in the snow. I dont want her wandering in to it and hurting herself.
Anyway, my most recent fiber stuffs have just been some crochet cat toys. Last fall I promised a friend of mine that I would make him some for his kitties, but Im a lazy poop and never got around to it. So during my *hibernation* Ive been pushing myself to get some done. Ive made some odd shapes, a few mice and am getting a nice collection. When I showed them to my Ma she fell in love with the mice. She has a beautiful little chihuahua, Rose, and poor Rose is so small that most toys are just too big for her to pick up. Ma wanted a mouse for her. But before I could give it to her, she found one of the cat nip mice. Wow was she happy! So Ive made her a few more toys, little balls, a square stuffy and a squiggly ball. Shes completely too adorable with them all. Theyre her babies. She hides them in her tent and wont let anyone touch them! I will try to get some pictures of her with them.
I also bought some fiber from a wonderful lady I found on Etsy. Her shop is called Blackcat Handspun. The first two batts I bought were so gorgeous, I went and bought a third. I got 7 oz of one called Desert Morning. Its made from Coopworth and Chow fur. Its wonderful! I havent spun it yet (Ive got a pound of fiber from The Sheep Shed Studio on my wheel at the moment), but I know its going to be beautiful!! The other batt I got is called Mocha Chocolata Yaya. 4 oz of a mix of corriedale, merino, mohair and silk. Its some of the most beautiful colors Ive ever spun. Lovely texture, too. I want more! It spun up in to two skeins, finishing up to be about 80 yards of two ply. I wish I had enough for a sweater!A while back I bought some silk and used Berry Blue Kool Aid to dye it. The dye didnt make it in to the center of the roving so there was a bit of white left. I was a little annoyed at first but once I got it fluffled a little, I figured it was ok. I had wanted a solid blue, but this didnt look bad.
But when I spun just got prettier and prettier!! I'm in love with this blue color. I hope they never stop making Berry Blue!!!
Now, Ive got to get off this frigging computer. Our video cards fan rattles and its driving me crazy!!!
1 comment:
Hi there! I just wanted to make sure you're aware that your blog is in the queue for the Fiber Arts Bloggers ring, because you don't have any code up. I just sent you the code again--please let me know if you don't get it? I'd love to get you back in the ring. :)
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