Music, Masks and Snow
Ive been steadily working away at Puppi's crocheted sweater. It seems like its never ending! Ive got like 12 more inches to go...*cries* Will definitely post pics when I'm done!!!
I'm also working on a heat pad for myself. Found this pattern on the net for one and thought about making that, but decided to just make up my own. So I rummaged through my yarns to find one I liked. Its hard to use the yarns I like. It was all I could do to not use one of the yarns I don't really care for. But I finally convinced myself that this will be something I will use at least once a month (you ladies know what for) and I want it to be something I like looking at!! So I chose the red sari silk and wool yarn I bought last year. I also decided to crochet it since I'm starting to like crocheting more than I used to. Its coming along nicely!
I also decided to make one out of a piece I knitted a while back. Its some yarn that was like my second ever spun on my wheel. Its very very uneven and lumpy and I love it. Its not much and I was thinking it would make a nice neck warmer. But I never got around to finishing it. I looked at it and realized it would be just the right size for a heat pad if I folded it in half. So I looked for some nice contrasting yarn to sew up the sides. I chose the very first yarn Ive ever spun. It a pretty teal color and I spun it on a drop spindle. The one and only time Ive spun on one, lol. I crocheted all around the edges of the knitted piece and then sewed up the sides. I had first put split peas in it. It worked well for heat but spelled icky. So I got some rice and filled up some pantyhose feet and popped em inside and sewed up the end. Its soft and pretty and works great!
These past few weeks have been terribly cold. I think I got a bit of frostbite on my face! My nose is all peeling like I have a sunburn. I wrap a scarf around my face while I'm out, but it slips and gets wet and everything so I got to thinking...I need a ski mask! So I searched all over the net and couldn't find anything I liked. BUT I did find these horribly freaky ones. They are absolutely nightmarish to look at but the basic pattern is great. I searched more on the net for the actual patterns for them, but couldn't find em anywhere. Sooo I went on eBay and found the magazine they're in, bought em and am now waiting patiently for them to arrive. I don't think I will be knitting in the creepiness that the patterns call for, but who knows.. Maybe Ill knit something even worse!! HEEEHEE!!!
Last week on Carson Daley there was this guitar player, Andy McKee. I don't normally watch Carson (hes a moron and completely bugs the crap outa me. hes also a terrible interviewer, imho) but Carson said he found this guy on youtube (gotta love youtube!) so I decided to stick around. OMG I'm SOOOO glad I did! This guy is incredible. He played this song called Drifting (which you can see HERE ). Its become my new favoritestest bestest mostest greatest song ever!!! The song is so beautiful. Even my BF said that it was hard to believe that it was all done with a guitar, its too sweet sounding to be a guitar. We agreed that it sounds like something from a video game. Maybe a small country town or an area just outside of town (those of you who play any of the FF games or the like types will know what I mean!). I liked it so much I even bought his cd! I cant wait to get it.
We got a nice Valentines Day snow storm. Though we weren't able to be home the whole day to enjoy it. My cat Seamose has a urinary tract infection. He had to be at the vets at 9:45 am. We left the house at 9 and it took a full 40 minutes to get there! Normally its only like 15. Yeck! It was snowing so hard that while waiting in the nice warm office, looking out at the snow, we couldn't even see the other side of the street! Good news though, Seamose will be ok. I almost lost one of my cats, Levi, like 8 years ago to a blocked urinary tract. He had to have emergency surgery. So I was especially nervous about my S'mo! But he will be ok. Hes on meds and has to eat canned food until he is better (oh he lurves canned food!!).
The snow is really pretty. But yesterday when we got home Shane and I went right out to check on the animals. Wind was blowin like crazy and the snow was piling up. Poor Loki was shivering all over. So I asked Shane to help me put up a tarp wall. OMG, it was sooo friggin cold. I think I got a little frost bite on my face! Shane is awesome. He moved fence panels around and did all the climbing to tie up the tarp to the rafters. Sometimes I think hes too good to be true. At first Loki thought the tarp was freaking scary! She even ran through a hole in the fence, out in to the yard to get away from it! But once I got her in her stall again, she decided it was nice in there, heehee. In the night it was blown down but I left it for the day. The sun was shining in and the breeze wasn't coming in too bad. But this evening, I climbed up and tied it all up again. The tarp was flapping all over and even flappin on to Loki, but she was completely unconcerned. Shes such a good lady!
The sheep are doing well. Hiding in their house, though! And not venturing out too far. The snow is past their bellies. Poor things! I think we might move them back in to the barn until this cold snap is over. My chickens are all hanging in there. Though I wish I could bring them inside!! Harry is going to lose some of his comb. I had them shut in their house but theres teeny cracks everywhere and with this wind, its still cold in there. Ive moved them in to the sheeps old stall in the barn. Its a bit large for them, but its MUCH less windy. Im also getting them a heat bulb today.
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