Im very very very happy to say that my sheep have been shorn! They were done on Mothers Day by a nice fellow whos father has sheep down the road (he also has sheep there, but lives somewhere else now). I was a nervous wreck, but Joe was wicked cool with my babies. He could tell right off that I love them to bits and was afraid they would be hurt or scared or something. But he was patient and kind with them and now theyre naked!!

They did some wiggling and I told Joe that I didnt care one bit what they looked like when he was done. I cared more that they were ok. Boy are they all bumpy! Its cute :) Im getting much closer to haltering Nasvitch, so Im thinking that I might get my scissors out and do some trimming. Lymric, now, hes not as lumpy as his brother and hes more timid, so I might leave him the way he is. We shall see!
So now I have two huuuge fleeces to process. I havent even skirted them yet. I dont have a drum carder so Im a little disscouraged. Im terrible with hand cards and they take ages anyway so even if I get the fleeces all skirted, picked, and washed, I still cant spin them. So Im just sort of looking at them for now. But they will get done eventually!

Ive been knitting a bit but dont have any photos yet of what Im doing. But, finally, I have learned to crochet granny squares! Yay me! Ive been making them for a friend and also for a little sweater for my moms chihuahua. Plus Im thinking I would like a big blanket for our bed. Something washable... though I cant see me knitting or crocheting something that huge. So Im sort of fooling myself with granny squares. Theyre quick and sooner or later they will add up to a very colorful, nifty blanket!
Oh ho! They are getting so big! Neked, but still so cute!
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