Some Knitted Hats 'n' Things
Some of my winter thingies!!
First up is a hat I knitted last fall. I havent really worn it much, though I LOVE it. It needs to be stretched a bit as its snug on my head. I HATE having anything squeeze me head, so I dont wear it much. But one of these days I will carve myself a wooden head for stretching/blocking hats!
For this hat I used this pattern - and some gorgeous Lopi yarn - This yarn wouldnt be great against the skin as its rather rough, but the chunkiness and colors and everything makes me LOVE this yarn! Though it was the first time I've tried intarsia and the first time Ive ever knit in the round using a circular needle the pattern was very clear and it wasnt very hard to do! I recomend this pattern to anyone with a little patience. At first it seems very hard but with a little effort, you *get it* and its very easy. But boy, my fingers hurt!! Rough yarn and tight stitches equals raw fingertips!! ******************************************************
This next one I used the same pattern but added 20 stitches (one more repeat of the intarsia pattern) and used different yarn. This one is much more comfortable to wear, bigger and softer. The grey is Cascade Ecological wool in 8087 and the red is some Highland wool Sari silk yarn I found on Ebay. Both are awesome to work with. Quite soft and it doesnt dry out your skin like some yarns do. ********************************************************
I made these fingerless mittens to go with my hat. Same wools but the pattern is based on this one - But I changed it (obviously). Its knit on two straight needles and says to make the palm and back the same width, but doing this you end up with the side seam coming around to the back of the hand. It looks crappy. So I made the palm side with less stitches and the back with more. I used the intarsia design from the top of the hat on the back of the hand and added ribbing to the thumb, fingers and wrist. Its really pretty easy. Theyre very comfortable to wear and I like the color combination alot. **********************************************
This is my most recently knitted hat. Its made from Banana silk! I didnt even know what Banana silk was until a few weeks ago. Im in loooove with this stuff. I bought the orange from Ebay and the green from here - (vine). This stuff has gorgeous shine and wonderful weight. It hangs so well! I wish I could afford enough for a sweater or something. Now I just have to finish my Mothers hat and mittens!! Then get started on all the xmass prezzies.... I have so much to do!!